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Bariatric Surgery

Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgery removes up to 80% of the stomach where the hunger hormone ghrelin is produced. The effect is that our patients reduce their food intake down to a normal and acceptable level in order to reach their weight loss goals. In addition our patients feel less hunger and overcome the desire to eat. The procedure typically takes as little as 45 minutes to perform and has one of the highest success rates in the industry. 


During the Gastric Sleeve procedure, a thin vertical “sleeve" of stomach is created and divided from the rest of the stomach. The sleeve is about the size of a banana. The rest of the stomach is removed. The Gastric Sleeve procedure is performed using laparoscopic surgery. This is a minimally invasive technique that allows the procedure to be performed without making large incisions. Laparoscopic surgery results in shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, smaller scars, and less pain than open surgical procedures.  On average, you will return to normal activities in 5 to 7 days and enjoying a full recovery in about 2 weeks.

Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass Surgery also known as Roux-en-Y is a bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery performed on patients who are severely overweight or have failed to lose weight through the normal methods of diet and exercise.


Patients who choose this type of bariatric surgery must drastically change their lifestyle, learn to control portion sizes at meal times, and incorporate exercise into their daily routines.


Gastric bypass procedures are commonly performed on patients with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 50 and on patients who suffer from obesity-related health



Gastric bypass surgery, often referred to as Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, is among the most common form of weight loss surgery performed in the United States. 

Gastric Bypass

Lap Band to Sleeve Revision 

Sometimes patients may not respond well to their first gastric procedure and it is necessary to apply a more restrictive gastric procedure. Revision surgery is the best option for patients who did not reach their optimal weight in their initial operation.

What Are The Main Reasons Why Gastric Revision Surgery Is Necessary?

  • Experience significant weight regain after hitting their lower weight.

  • Stomach capacity increase making the stomach bigger and slower the weight loss process.

  • Anatomic failure.

  • Development of secondary complications.

  • Need for reversal.

Lap Band to Sleeve Revision 
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